May 17, 2020: Alex Roque
Alex joined the Ali Forney Center, an organization serving homeless LGBTQ youth, in early 2011 to lead the agency’s development department, focusing on expanding their footprint and capacity to care for more homeless kids in need. On March 1st of this year he took over as Executive Director, just as the COVID-19 crisis was about to send New York City into lockdown. He immediately had to face unprecedented challenges in how to protect their clients. “Young people across the country and around the globe were told to stay in, to find comfort in their families, to find safety in their homes, but for the homeless youth at the Ali Forney Center, going home isn't an option. We are their home. We are their family. So closing our doors simply couldn’t be an option,” says Alex. He went into overdrive, working with his team around the clock to ensure their services go uninterrupted no matter what. He is tireless in his pursuit of making sure these kids are not forgotten. If you’d like to make a donation to Ali Forney Center you can do so here.
We are proud to count Alex amongst our customers and we are grateful for the work he does to protect the kids in our community who literally might not stand a chance without his tireless leadership. If you want to show him some love you can follow or DM him @alexrock17

May 4, 2020: Kalid Loul
Kal is the Founder/COO of Global Geeks, a global consumer electronics supplier. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit the U.S. he realized that our country was underprepared for this crisis. Horrified by the shortage of PPE available to first responders, including frontline and healthcare workers, he immediately applied for FDA registration and pivoted his entire business into a supply chain operation to secure these life saving supplies. His company quickly became a go-to sourcing agent for major healthcare facilities, cities, counties and government agencies across the country, at times having to fight the federal government from seizing their orders. Kal is now committed to donating one million protective masks to frontline workers – including police and firefighters – and to hospitals and clinics that cannot keep up with the financial demands this crisis has placed upon them. After his story was picked up by 6ABC News in April, donation requests skyrocketed. If you work with a frontline organization that needs a PPE donation, go to GlobalGeeks CSR and submit your request.
We are proud to count Kal as one of our customers and we are grateful that he is compelled to help so many people in need. If you want to show him some love you can follow and DM him @ruplayer

May 3, 2020: Dr. David Holland
David is an infectious disease doctor on faculty at Emory University as well as the Chief of Medical and Preventative Services for Fulton County, Georgia where the Covid-19 response has been extra challenging due to being at the crossroads of public health policy and politics. He has been coordinating the local response to COVID, making sure the most vulnerable members of our community get adequate care and protections, while bringing mobile testing units into the community in Atlanta so that everyone will have access to testing regardless of their ability to reach a testing center. He also clearly understands the meaning of leg day. We are honored to count David as one of our customers and we are so grateful for his heroic work. If you want to show him some love you can follow and DM him @drdaveatl

April 17, 2020: Jay Roth, RN
Jay is a Registered Nurse who, after five years of working the floor, recently became the Nurse Manager at Callen-Lorde Community Health Center in New York City, a facility providing sensitive, quality healthcare and related services targeted to New York’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities. When Covid-19 forced Callen-Lorde to consolidate their resources and only provide limited services at one location on West 18th Street, Jay went into action with a few members of his team to transform a hotel in Long Island City, NY into an isolation site to house and treat homeless people who have been diagnosed or have symptoms of the Covid-19 virus. His humanity throughout this crisis is exemplary, understanding that we all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
vBefore Jay became Supernurse he was the Sales Manager at Nasty Pig, so we couldn’t be prouder to count him amongst our Nasty Pig family. If you want to send him a DM and thank him yourself you can find him on Facebook here!

April 10, 2020: Dr. Demetre Daskalakis
Demetre is an infectious disease doctor who works for the Department Of Health in New York City and is leading the fight against Covid-19. In the middle of dealing with this pandemic he took it upon himself to make sure that NYC was the first to give official advice about sexual contact in order to help our community navigate these difficult times and make informed, life-saving choices. After being picked up by the press, his pioneering approach to harm reduction was adopted by many other cities across the country. Oh...he’s also hot af!
We are honored to count Demetre as one of our customers and we are so grateful for his heroic work. If you want to follow him or send him a DM and thank him yourself you can find him @drdemetre